Moon Township Riverfront Park Master Plan

Moon Township Riverfront Park Master Plan & Regional Trail Network
The Borough of Coraopolis in partnership with Moon Township and with technical support from the Ohio River Trail Council (ORTC) received a Transportation, Community, and System Preservation (TCSP) Program grant in 2012, through the U.S. Department of Transportation and PennDOT for the engineering design of the first segment of the proposed Ohio River South Shore Trail. The project consists of an approximately 2.5 mile segment starting at the proposed Allegheny County Sports & Athletic Complex at Montour Junction which is a new recreational park located on 78 acres of land in Coraopolis Borough, Moon Township and Robinson Township. The Athletic Complex will include a number of nontraditional athletic fields, recreational programming, trout fishing, and an extension of the Montour Trail. The Athletic Complex will be bordered by PA Route 51 to the west and south and the CSX Railroad and Neville Island Bridge to the north. The head of the Montour Trail is approximately one mile to the south and a trail connection will be extended through the Athletic Complex site as part of the park project.
The proposed Ohio River Trail project funded under the TCSP grant will connect to the park in the vicinity of the Neville Island Bridge (at Ferre Street and via Montour Street underneath the bridge). The trail will continue through Coraopolis Borough as a series of on-road improvements, including ‘sharrow’ striping and markings and signage, along existing PA Bicycle Route A which travels via PA Route 51/4th and 5th Streets (as one-way pairs).
At Thorn Run Road, as the trail project extends into Moon Township, the trail has two potential routes to reach the Moon Township Riverfront Park site. An existing overhead utility corridor, which is owned by Duquesne Power and Light, is the preferred alignment since it locates the trail farther away from PA Route 51. A safety fence is proposed to be located along the edge of the utility right-of-way along the CSX rail line. The second and less desirable option is to locate the trail along the outside boundary of the existing PennDOT right-of-way for PA Route 51, which is wide in this area. The trail project will parallel PA Route 51 and the CSX railroad until it reaches Ambulance Way, at the entrance of the Moon Township Riverfront Park. The trail project will cross PA Route 51 at the signalized intersection and proceed along the south side of PA Route 51 to the signalized Sewickley Bridge approach. The trail project will end at the existing pedestrian walk-way at the bridge approach. More detailed information is available in the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (PADCNR) funded Ohio River South Shore Trail Feasibility Study which is available on this website. The project includes segments of Section 500 and all of Section 600, as defined in the feasibility study (see attached maps on pages A3.2 and A3.1).
Download the complete Moon Township Riverfront Park Master Plan
Download the Moon Township Riverfront Park & Regional Trail Master Plan
Download the Moon Township Riverfront Park Brownfields Cleanup Briefing 2016